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Mission Statement

Creating a platform to improve visibility of the LGBTQ+ STEM community around the world.


Our platform is designed to improve the visibility of the international LGBTQ+ STEM community. We provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ people to showcase their research to the wider fields of science, technology, engineering and maths. LGBTQ+ people should see themselves reflected in the STEM community and be inspired to pursue careers in these areas, without fear of being different, and knowing that they belong.     


Safe Space Policy

The STEM Village is a safe space for LGBTQ+ people from across the world, and we do not tolerate discrimination against our community. Throughout our website, events and materials, we use the term LGBTQ+ to be fully inclusive. We recognised that our community is always evolving and the use of the + symbol is meant to be expansive and represent the rich ever-changing diversity of our community. This also allows us to acknowledge the intersectional nature of our community, and that none of us comprise a single identity. Through this policy, we also recognise that our community comprises individuals with different experiences  of privilege, and that we live under structures that oppress and harm some of us and others benefit from.


Use of the term STEM

We use the term STEM, which refers to science, technology, engineering and maths, throughout our website, events and materials, and recognise that this may be perceived as exclusionary. However, we use this term to refer to all related fields, and we are inclusive to those in all STEM-related and cross-disciplinary fields. Examples of STEM and STEM-related fields include (but are not limited to):


  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

  • Design and Technology

  • Engineering

  • Computer Science

  • Mathematics

  • Economics

  • Geography

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